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July 27, 2017
An Exclusive Peek at Indian Country Magazine—Just for You
Dear loyal reader—
As a thank you for your continued interest in Indian Country Media Network, we’re offering you a free, exclusive look into a feature that appears in our June-July 2017 issue. It’s an excerpt from a feature-length narrative we think is so important, we’re doing the best we can to spread the word. It’s called Oceti Sakowin: Lighting the Sacred Fire At Standing Rock by West Coast Editor Valerie Taliman:
Nick Estes, Kul Wicasa (Lower Brule Sioux), a doctoral candidate in American Studies at the University of New Mexico, explains that the camp Horn is the historic and symbolic political organization of the Oceti Sakowin. Four nations represent the eastern Dakota-speaking people, the Mdewankantonwan, the Wahpekute, the Sissintonwan, and the Wahpetonwan. Two nations represent the middle-territory Nakota- speaking people: the Ihanktonwan and the Inhanktonwanna. Lastly, the largest most western nation is the Lakota-speaking people: the Tintonwan.
“The old ones say that we are a Star Nation, Wicahpi Oyate,” Estes explained. “The constellation now known as the Big Dipper for us is the Canupa, or pipe. The seven council fires of our nations are represented by the seven stars in that constellation, all unified under the pipe that our most powerful prophet gave to us. They say the White Buffalo Calf Woman, Pte Cincila Ska Win, who brought the first pipe and spiritual teachings, was a celestial being. They say what is in the heavens is also on earth. We organize ourselves politically according to this teaching.
“When the Horn was constructed, not just the Oceti Sakowin camped,” Estes added. “Allied Indigenous nations were welcomed to set up camp as well and sometimes granted a platform to speak. The Horn was usually only constructed during summer ceremonial seasons when people gathered for large trade fairs or sun dances. Either way, it was called and created as needed, often in times of great crises.”
So on that warm, sunny Saturday as heavily armed military surveilled from a nearby hill, the people gathered in the heart of the camp, at the Horn, to start the ceremony, a spiritual call to all nations for prayer and healing. “When we arrived on horseback to start the sacred fire, more than 10,000 people were there to support us,” said Looking Horse, who rode his favorite horse Drifter. “According to Oceti Sakowin, the Keeper of the Pipe is in the center, so I rode into camp and stood at my place at the Horn. That’s when we started the fire.”
Intrigued? It’s through subscriptions to Indian Country magazine that we are able to fund the kind of story-telling and sharing that makes every page unique—and that’s something you don’t want to miss. When you subscribe, you’ll not only be entitled to a brand new print copy of our August-September 2017 issue, you'll also get immediate access to our digital back-catalog of magazine issues, which includes the sold-out debut issue, plus the enlightening and vibrant second issue! Subscribe today, and you’ll have instant access to both digital issues as you watch your mailbox for our new print edition to arrive.
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That's because Indian Country is created and published by Indian Country Media Network, the leading voice of Native Peoples today. Indian Country Media Network offers in-depth, culturally-sensitive coverage of Native Peoples and their many cultures, accomplishments and history.
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Indian Country Media Network is an internationally recognized news service owned by the Oneida Indian Nation, but its award-winning journalists cover all Peoples.
Indian Country Media Network has won numerous awards at the Native American Journalists Association. In 2014, ICTMN earned 17 awards including Best Digital Publication for its 12-page digital newsletter and first place for General Excellence. In 2013, ICTMN took 11 awards at the conference.
And now we're putting all of that expertise and deep understanding of Native cultures into our brand-new magazine effort, Indian Country. In addition to the in-depth articles such as the ones listed above from our debut issue and our second issue, every issue will include…
Indian Country Today, including:
Shining Star: A celebrity to watch
NDN A&E: A guide to films, books and performances
Indian Territory: Travel tips for locales with a Native American emphasis
Eat Like an Indian: The best in contemporary Native American dining
Trading Post: Products from key Native entrepreneurs and artisans
Good Works: Positive business developments in Indian country
Indian Country Traditions, including:
Craftwork: Details of hand-crafted objects & how-to's
Good Medicine: Known benefits of certain plants
Every Part of: An exploration of inventive uses of natural objects
There's No Word for It: Native phrases and philosophies
Native Ingenuity: Inventions still in use today
The Pow Wow Trail: Dances, dancers and makers of regalia
Rewriting History: The Native POV to major historical events
Council Fire: A roundtable discussion of major issues by Op Ed writers
Poetry & Prayer: Verbal expressions of the Indian worldview
Wisdom: A found object that speaks volumes
Yes, that's a lot of wonderful reading ahead of you when you become a Charter Subscriber with our All-Access Pass. I know you're anxious to get started — subscribe now and rest assured that the third issue will soon be in your mailbox!
We look forward to having you join our community.
Nʌ ki’ wa,
The Editors
Indian Country Magazine
PS: As you've noticed, there's something for everyone in Indian Country. Immediate digital access to our incredible second issue, plus immediate digital access to our blockbuster premiere issue is just the beginning! Subscribe now!
PPS: Don't forget: For less than the price of most glossy magazines, you can get our print, web AND iPad editions!
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